Solution > Membership

Engage and grow: APSIS One for Membership

Customers are increasingly expecting more and more out of their memberships, and being able to keep up with expectations, can often feel like a struggle. That doesn’t mean life can’t be made easier. 

With APSIS One you’ll have the tools, the data and the marketing insights to be able to

  • Personalise customer content with ease to build a unified brand relationship
  • Save time & resources with our APSIS AI Assistant while creating even more membership value 
  • Gain real time relevance with automated marketing flows
  • Identify who your prospects and members are, loyal or lapsed
  • Drive member loyalty via member knowledge by combining data from web, CRM, email all in real-time
  • Assist in converting prospects to members with automated win-back tactics
  • Don’t wait for IT – Get started in days. Not months


Let´s talk future 

Add greater value to your memberships - without having to increase your workload

Does your MarTech stack help you reach your goals? Sometimes, the grass is greener on the other side. With APSIS One, you can see up to:


10 %
of lost member interest recovered
400 %
increase in conversion and loyalty by moving important communication
15 %
increase in member loyalty
1 %
saved against full-time equivalent with automation
25 %
advertising budget saved with media spend optimisation
50 %
reduced implementation cost

Pain points and challenges for membership industries

Every organisation faces a set of unique opportunities and industry-wide challenges. In the membership industry, you probably struggle with:



  • Lack of customer insight
    Inability to segment from multiple data points obstructs customer retention – impacting your growth.
  • Impersonal customer communication
    Scattered data puts a cap on your ability to use data to personalise ‘right channel, right time’ customer experiences.
  • Optimise member conversions
    Through recognising prospects and using web triggers you can optimise member conversions.


  • From manual inefficiency to marketing automation
    Repetitive tasks and manual processes steal focus from activities that improve engagement and online sales.
  • Long road to implementation
    Complex solutions, poor onboarding and hefty implementation costs prolong your ability to get started.
  • No real‑time relevance
    Difficulty to use behavioural data to re-engage audiences – damaging cross-sell and upsell opportunities.


Can’t identify? Try another industry to find your perfect match

B2B Service Subscription Experience B2B Product


APSIS One: A solution that suits your needs

MarTech is a jungle. We’re not shy to admit it. But we also understand the limitations of the data-void marketer. That’s why we created APSIS One: so you can cover every need in one interface – and add marketing tools and integrations to scale up as you grow.


Audience APSIS One Marketing platform
Addons APSIS One Marketing platform
Integrations APSIS One Marketing platform

APSIS One: A solution that suits your needs

MarTech is a jungle. We’re not shy to admit it. But we also understand the limitations of the data-void marketer. That’s why we created APSIS One: so you can cover every need in one interface – and add marketing tools and integrations to scale up as you grow.


Get personal with APSIS One

Add that extra personal touch. APSIS One is an easy-to-use platform for advanced personalisation with native tools for owned media in One interface. Personalisation at scale has never been easier. 

Full customer insights
Get to know your prospects and members. Connect interactions across channels to unique member profiles – enabling a single customer view, fine-tuned segments from multiple data points and consent management.

Create a cycle of loyalty
Keep your membership strong. Ensure you keep them continuously engaged to prevent drop-offs and boost loyalty with marketing automation for SMS and email.

Activate audiences and develop campaigns
You have the data. Make it work for you. Attract audiences, activate prospects and increase the members lifetime value with personalised emails, website tracking, marketing automation flows, SMS and Forms & Pages.

Personalised email marketing
Create one email. Personalise it to enable endless variations. Optimise forms to maximise sign-ups, and use segments and dynamic content to maximise relevance, engagement and interaction.          

Real-time website tracking and insights
Listen to your audiences. Use clicks, page views and historic data to retarget lost members. Simply track and collect the behavioural website data of your audience.

Optimise campaign performance
Analyse bounces, clicks, opens and conversions from your email, SMS, website and automation activities to understand behavioural patterns, predict needs and increase activity

Add on attraction and retention

Engage, retain and get even more personal on even more touchpoints by adding Add-On tools to APSIS One.

Social & Display: Target and improve ad campaign performance
Attract new visitors and keep the ones you have. Export first-party data to personalise and narrow down your audience on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram—and make paid ads a natural part of your lead nurturing and customer retention flows.

Personalised Recommendations: Retarget, cross-sell and upsell
Become more relevant, re-engage inactive customers and prolong the customer lifetime value with website and email recommendations based on historical data, visited product pages and resource downloads.

APSIS One Event: Building stronger customer relationships
Host events and webinars that bring you closer to your customers, and your customers closer to your products. Use customer data to target businesses and set up flows from promotion and invitation – all the way to evaluation.

Collect new Leads and optimize Interactions
Use intelligent Forms to push lead data sign- up as well as Form prospect collection. Automate emails to maximize interest and maintain them as warm in the lead and prospect funnels.


Start your FREE APSIS One trial


Add on awareness and conversions

Bump your reach, take charge of the member journey and get even more personal on even more touchpoints by adding Add-On tools to APSIS One.

Social & Display: Reach, retarget and optimise your spend
Make your money go further. Export first-party data to personalise and narrow down your audience on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn – and make paid or social ads a natural part of your retargeting flows.

Event: Building stronger customer relationships
Host memorable events that turn into memberships. Use member data to target relevant segments, and set up easy flows from promotion and invitation – all the way to evaluation.

Survey: Maximise responses and information
Skip dull, clunky and yawn-inducing questionnaires. Set up a survey in minutes, act on real-time behaviour, and capture inactive customers by gathering response data and following up with open-ended questions.

APP: Convert the mobile generation
Add a dash of first-party data to the ultimate mobile experience: your APP. Track in-app engagement to trigger relevant responses before, during and towards the end of a membership cycle.


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Experience APSIS One for yourself

At APSIS we know what it takes to make your membership organisation strive. 

We know your market; locally and globally. We also know your pain points and what you need to take your organisation to the next level. We can also set you up with the perfect platform: APSIS One. 

But don’t take our word for it. Discover APSIS One for yourself.


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Handpicked Resources for Membership

Email Marketing Benchmarks 2023

5 essential drip campaigns

5 Essential Drip Campaigns For Membership organisations


One marketing platform. Endless possibilities