Jun 01 | 2 minutes read

33 Hot Stats about Lead Management & Automation

There's an old (but true) saying: numbers don't lie.



In digital marketing, we often look ahead to discover the Next Big Thing of tomorrow. But sometimes, looking back at what our current solutions are doing for our business is just as important. 

Take marketing automation, for example. Once you set it up (based on lots of preparation, of course!), it simplifies your workday by relieving you of repetitive tasks and personalising your communication with subscribers or leads - but what happens next?

How do you know if your results are good, average or in need of a boost? 

Or if you want to invest in lead management software and your superiors want you to prove that it's worth it - how do you make your point to them?

First of all, you can download our FREE Marketing Automation Handbook and use it as a guide!

But if you need even more support, our solution is simple: get the numbers.

We've collected 33 sure-fire statistics for you to use whenever you need them: for a presentation, pitch or even just posting on social media! 

Flip through our presentation below and get what you need. We're just happy to help.

33 Great Statistics about Lead Management & Automation from Apsis


Psst - now that you've seen this, don't forget to get our Marketing Automation Handbook too! Or if you need some personal help, why not book a free demo with one of our friendly experts? Then you'll see first-hand what we're talking about!