8 Marketing Automation Statistics – Explained
Marketing automation has transformed from a utopian marketing dream into a palpable reality. Resultantly, we're flooded with statistics that showcase the system's impact on your online and offline presence. However, what’s the backstory behind the mind-boggling stats? We’ll unravel the truth behind the numbers!

In this blog post, we’ll go through the logic behind the numbers and explain the details behind the following stats:
- 300% increase in customer engagement
- 180% higher open rate
- 330% increase in click-through rate
- 12.2% reduction in marketing overhead
- 80% of businesses state that marketing automation increases their lead generation
- 69% increase in email revenue in six month’s time
- 1% of sales are generated through cold calling
- 14.5% increase in sales productivity
Want to get the basics of marketing automation before you jump into the statistics? Check out this blog post!
Marketing Automation Boosts Engagement
In our recent educational marketing automation tour across the Nordics, we dug deep into our own data and unveiled the effects of marketing automation. The most staggering statistic?
Marketing automation increases customer engagement with 300 percent.
The quick and easy reason behind the impressive and somewhat mindblowing number is: relevancy. With the logical chronology of behaviourally triggered emails, your customers expect your automated emails. Why? Because they align with actual actions and the individual’s probable status in the customer journey.
The result? According to our data, marketing automation creates:
- 180% higher open rate.
- 330% increase in click-through rate.
So, rather than sending out haphazard bulk emails that doesn’t take the individual’s expressed level of interest into account, you target the person with the right message at the right time.
Learn more about: Why Marketing Automation Matters - Today And In the Future

A Time Saviour That Gives You Bang for the Buck
As a CMO, you have to allocate responsibilities and tasks in a manner that optimises your budget and boosts your revenues. Needless to say: efficiency is the Holy Grail.
So, how can a system for marketing automation increase productivity and decrease your overhead? According to Nucleus Research:
Marketing automation drives a 12.2 percent reduction in marketing overhead.
How? Simply because a system for marketing automation automates dreary and time-consuming – yet necessary – tasks. And once all systems are go, you can fine-tune your strategy and produce stellar content to grease the wheels of the machine and bump customer engagement even further.
Improved Lead Generation with Automation
Leads are the lifeblood of any B2B business. As opposed to B2C, the convoluted customer journey in B2B can be rife with potential exits as the financial stakes are higher and the number of decision makers are plentiful. So, how does marketing automation impact lead management? VentureBeat states that:
80 percent of businesses increase their lead generation with marketing automation.
In addition, the same source says that 73% of leads are generated through email. Now, these stats can be quite easily explained: to manually monitor and score your leads is a resource-draining and nightmarish task. With the dynamic duo of marketing automation and CRM, you can monitor, score and target your leads with content as they move throughout the sales funnel. To sum it up: marketing automation automatically tracks leads for you.
Increased Email Revenue
Regardless of whether you’re active in B2C or B2B, you want the results from your marketing activities to shine in the financial statement.
Boosted Sales Productivity
The cold hard truth is: only 1% of sales are generated through cold calling. Even though this might be a hard stat to face, it does make sense. After all, chances are low that a person will be receptive to a sales pitch that comes right out of the blue. Rather, marketers and decision-makers want to gradually move from perception to opinion before they’re approached by a sharp salesperson.
So, how can a system for marketing automation boost your organisation’s sales productivity? According to Nucleus Research, the answer is:
Marketing automation leads to a 14.5 percent increase in sales productivity.
Why so? As your system for marketing automation is integrated with your CRM-system, it monitors the individual’s status in the customer journey. The result? Your sales department can seal the deal and strike while the iron is hot – rather than drivel in the dark.

To sum it all up...
We fully understand that the battlefield of vivid statistics might make you raise your eyebrows in disbelief at first. However, even though the stats are mind-boggling; so are the potential benefits. With the help of the logical backbone we've provided, we truly hope we’ve sown the seeds of curiosity about the never-ending power of marketing automation.
Want to go one step further? Explore the full potential of Apsis marketing automation tool by contacting our experts or downloading our handbook!