Apsis One refresher courses 

Our Apsis One Specialists have tips to share! Discover how to make the most out of the Email tool with click-worthy content, get ideas for your next Welcome email flow, and target the right customers with effective segments. Watch these web training videos at your own pace below.


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Email Marketing - English

How to stand out in a crowded inbox 

Email is one of the most important tools for any business. With Apsis One, you can easily create engaging emails, grow your brand, and capture your customers' attention in a crowded inbox. Watch to find out how. 


Email Marketing - Finnish

How to stand out in a crowded inbox 

Email is one of the most important tools for any business. With Apsis One, you can easily create engaging emails, grow your brand, and capture your customers' attention in a crowded inbox. Watch to find out how. 


Marketing Automation course

Building impactful Welcome journeys 

The Welcome email is your opportunity to make a great first impression. Discover how to personally welcome new customers or subscribers with 1, 2, or more automated emails using our new Marketing Automation canvas. Plus: get some impactful content ideas you can borrow from us! 

Audience & Segmentation - English

Market smarter with Segmentation 

Want to talk to the right customers and target your campaigns based on how they engage with your brand? This course is for you. Learn how to use Apsis One and external data to enrich audience profiles and personalise marketing messages through effective segmentation. 


Audience & Segmentation - Finnish

Market smarter with Segmentation 

Want to talk to the right customers and target your campaigns based on how they engage with your brand? This course is for you. Learn how to use Apsis One and external data to enrich audience profiles and personalise marketing messages through effective segmentation. 


Do you want to try-it-yourself or go through a more advanced training?

Talk to our team of digital experts and set up a training session based on your needs, or if you want to try Apsis One for yourself, sign up for the 14-day free trial.

Talk to our digital experts  Sign up for a free trial