May 05
| 5 minutes
How Marketing Automation Creates Success in E-commerce
Marketing automation is a great tool for the company and the marketer alike. Not only does it streamline pesky day-to-day marketing tasks, but it also helps you enhance your customer experience – and in turn, your revenues.
Want to know how marketing automation boosts your e-commerce business towards success? I’ll let you know how!
In a hurry? Here are the main points of this article:
- Marketing automation streamlines certain marketing actions, frees up time and increases your revenues
- Great sales results lies in the customer experience
- Behaviorally triggered emails create timely relevance...
- … and personalisation creates a sense of personal understanding...
- … which inevitably increases your revenues!
Why Customer Experience Should Be Your Number One Priority
The end goal for all companies is to improve revenues. There’s no escaping this fact. And as your business plays in the highly competitive arena of e-commerce, it’s important that you’re able to differentiate yourself and maintain a good relationship with your stakeholders. Thus, the key to achieve great results lies in the improvement of the customer experience.
As a matter of fact, the companies that are most successful with the implementation of marketing automation are those who focus on improving the customer experience. If your main objective is to understand your customers’ wants and needs, you’ll create loyal brand advocates that will promote and grow your business into new heights!
In addition to this, marketing automation provides you with great insights by showing you which campaigns and marketing efforts influence the most sales. If you’re not hitting the customer experience just right, you’re able to finetune the customer experience with the end goal to increase your sales.
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How Marketing Automation Affects the Customer
Marketing automation is the missing link that gathers and synchronises data between all your channels. With the help of timely and personalised content, the customer is left with the subconscious emotion that you understand them, their needs and how they’re moving down the sales funnel.
With the help of high-level statistics and data, you’ll be able to optimise the individual customer experience down to the preferred content and channel. This’ll pinpoint exact customer preferences, which in turn will increase your revenues.
Behaviourally Triggered Emails Serves A Powerful Function
Everyone likes to be personally addressed with relevant and appealing content. A behaviourally triggered follow-up email is thus a powerful tool in a marketer's arsenal, as it nurtures your visitors on their way to become your customers.
When a person clicks on an ad or downloads information about your products or services, you should follow up by promoting additional products. With minimal marketing efforts, potential customers become paying customers and your existing customers make additional purchases.
For example: if you have a flash sale in the horizon, it’s a good idea to send out emails to customers who recently made a purchase. You’ll know that the chances are high that they’ll feel that the promotion is relevant to their interests. The result? The customer feels that the promotional offer is relevant and tailored to them. Positive outcomes await!
Personalisation Elevates the Customer Experience
Marketing automation helps you in your quest towards an outstanding customer experience. With the creation of buyer personas, you’re able to personalise and tailor the customer experience across multiple channels.
If you receive an email that builds upon previous contact or expressed interest with a company, chances that you would click purchase or accept greatly increase. This is the power of personalisation that comes with a marketing automation tool.
… In great contrast, there are non-personalised emails that are sent out haphazardly. We’ve all received them: generic emails that urge us to purchase products or accept a deal that has little or no relevance to us as customers. Do they work? Perhaps to a certain degree, but chances are that they are seen as irrelevant spam and get moved to the junk mail.
Keep in Mind: The Customer Experience Doesn’t End (At the Purchase)
However, the nurturing of your customers doesn’t end at the purchase. If you want to maintain a great relationship with your customers (and hopefully you do!), it’s crucial that you follow up after the purchase has been made.
Instead of standard confirmation emails, the post-purchase email presents a great opportunity for you to cross-sell and upsell the right and relevant products without being too pushy. The end result will be higher sales volumes and a boost in your quarterly reports.
The Effects Marketing Automation Has On Revenues
As previously mentioned, the key to increased revenues lies within the customer experience. E-commerce offers a lot of great points of customer engagement, and marketing automation makes it possible for you to capitalise on them.
For instance, if a customer has abandoned his or her cart, you’ll be able to track when the purchase ended and what they put in their basket. With the help of marketing automation, you can reach back to them and try to rekindle their lust for your products. If you consider that 75% of customers plan to revisit and finalise the purchase, marketing automation and automated emails reaches out to the customer as it is the perfect nudge to finalise the sale.
To sum it all up, marketing automation presents great opportunities for increased revenues in e-commerce. If you commit to elevate the customer experience by sending out timely and personalised emails, revenues will follow. The road to success lies in your hands!
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