Posted 10th January 2025 by Karin Lindell

What is Marketing Automation? And, how does it work?

For a marketer, every lead is vital. Since no two persons are alike, why should you take them on the same journey? In this connected era, marketers are expected to go above and beyond to make their target customers engaged and delighted throughout their journey, irrespective of the path or their position in the sales funnel. 

19 minutes
Posted 28th March 2023 by APSIS

GDPR 2023


2022 was a special year on many aspects. There is one field, however, that never disappoints. This is, of course, the GDPR field where in 2022, 830€ million fines were distributed. This is less however than in 2021 which was a record year for GDPR fines totaling over a billion euros1

19 minutes
Posted 14th February 2023 by Karin Lindell

How to Grow Your Target Audience

Much has been said about identifying your target audience and knowing them inside out. But how do you build momentum? To sustain revenue, you need to reach a broader public. Read on for tips on how you can use data to further grow your target audience.
8 minutes
Posted 12th January 2023 by Karin Lindell

Here is Your Checklist For a Profitable Affiliate Marketing Program

Affiliate marketing has grown quickly since its inception.

The e-commerce website, viewed as just another marketing channel in the early days of the Internet, quickly became the centrepiece of overall business strategy as it leveraged the scalability of sales to outdo traditional brick-and-mortar stores.

8 minutes
Posted 27th October 2022 by APSIS

What Is Omnichannel Marketing, and How Does it Help Retail Businesses? 

The shift from single-channel to omnichannel retailing indicates a brand’s presence has spread across online and offline channels. As shoppers explore convenient ways to shop, a frictionless integration of these channels to create a consistent brand experience is key. Read on to find out why. 
7 minutes
Posted 23rd September 2022 by APSIS

What Is Word-Of-Mouth Marketing, And Why Is It So Important? 

Talking about it? Tweetin’ it? Word of mouth harnesses relationships between existing subscribers and new prospects to stir interest in your offerings through positive feedback. Discover why it’s the modern marketer’s dream and how to optimise your WOM to amplify member loyalty.
8 minutes
Posted 23rd September 2022 by APSIS

5 Marketing Hacks to Generate Leads 

Lead generation is the precursor to everything else on the journey to customer acquisition. But with customer evolution, old tactics like cold-calling and lead purchasing are now largely ineffective or downright expensive. Got leads? Here are five marketing hacks you can implement to boost lead gen.  
7 minutes
Posted 19th August 2022 by APSIS

A Practical Guide to Local Marketing


With B2B eCommerce currently in a boom — projected to grow by 18.7% by 2026 — a significant proportion of this emerging sector is from local audiences. And while transactions in local markets tend to occur in-store, businesses still need online marketing to reach these audiences.

8 minutes
Posted 09th August 2022 by APSIS

Navigating Personalised Advertising Without Violating Privacy Boundaries

Personalised ads have unlocked a new frontier of differentiation in marketing, but with recent data processing practices that leave much to be desired, customers are sceptical about how their data is being used. Amidst privacy considerations, how do you walk the fine line? Read on to find out.
7 minutes