Posted 29th October 2018 by Jess

Marketing Automation: Beyond the Buzzwords

Marketing automation is an scalable and powerful tool that can unleash great digital marketing with less effort. However, in the midst of all that popularity, buzz and misconceptions tend to hit the surface. That’s why we took it upon us in our last seminar to go beyond the buzz and present marketing automation as it truly is. From abstract to palpable in a short three hour session. Let’s have a look!
2 minutes
Posted 01st October 2018 by Malin Karlsson

5 Hot Lead Nurturing Trends to Track for 2019

Lead management is the bread and butter for B2B businesses. But how can you ensure a fruitful nurturing process when your customers are in a constant state of flux? I’ve collected 5 useful tips to get you in the lead for Q4 – and onwards.


6 minutes
Posted 18th September 2018 by Sarah Chase

Why Data is Key in the Current State of Social Media

Fight the Algorithms! If you're a social media marketer, you've probably noticed a drop in engagement during the last few years. But how can you turn the ship around? Get the answer in this post!
4 minutes
Posted 03rd September 2018 by Mohammed Elkady

Customer Data Platform: The Basics and the Benefits

What is a customer data platform and what magic lies behind all that buzz? Our CDP evangelist, Mohammed Elkady, breaks down the basics in this four minute read.
3 minutes
Posted 08th August 2018 by APSIS

Lead Generation: How to Get Back-to-Business (B2B)

Does it feel daunting to sink your teeth into leads after the summer? We’ll guide your through some helpful tips for lead generation so you can pave the way for an autumn riddled with closed deals.
4 minutes