Posted 26th September 2011 by APSIS

Permission - the key to successful email marketing

Email marketing is a cost-effective, fast, profitable and measurable way to communicate.

It helps you increase sales on the Internet, brings more visitors to your web site, and makes people download white papers, videos and other things you offer or sell. Email marketing encourages customer loyalty, brings people to your web shop and strengthens your brand.

5 minutes
Posted 21st September 2011 by APSIS

Relevance - the only way to get loyal subscribers and customers

The perfect newsletter – what does it look like?

Actually, it doesn’t exist. If you try to create a newsletter that suits everyone, it will be so bland that most people won’t care much for it. You need some edge to it, something specific, something that clearly describes your offer. Something your customers and potential customers really like.

Half-hearted subscribers will be half-hearted customers. You stand a better chance at succeeding when you have the courage to be different. When you speak with a unique voice. When you don’t look just like your competitors.

5 minutes
Posted 02nd September 2011 by APSIS

Image blocking

Do you use images in your newsletter? The answer is probably yes – images are an essential part of email today. But it is also one of the most problematic areas to deal with for anyone involved with email marketing. Many email clients does not display images by default, but demand that the user approves this manually.

3 minutes
Posted 23rd August 2011 by APSIS

How to create an Internet survey

The answer to a question always depends on how the question is posed. This is a simple truth that will guide you as you create Internet surveys. A good survey with well thought-out questions will give you considerably more answers — answers that tell you the truth and that are possible to use for further analysis.

In this article, we take a look at how you should choose between different types of questions and what to thing about when writing the texts. At the end, we provide some information on what you should not do – sometimes mistakes can be revealing!

5 minutes
Posted 30th May 2011 by APSIS

Analysis and statistics

A lot of hard work goes into the creation of an email marketing campaign. Careful preparations, high hopes – and all of a sudden, the sending is over. Time to rest? No, now the fun part begins! Time to find out what the recipients thought about the sending. Let us take a look at the statistics of a newsletter sending and see what you can learn from it!

5 minutes
Posted 08th December 2010 by APSIS

To reach the inbox

Is it really necessary to care about deliverability in connection with email marketing?

Oh yes.

In the fall of 2005 a study was made among American companies using email marketing. More than 60 % answered that problems with deliverability was the biggest one of all. About the same time another study was made in the US, which stated that more than 20 % of all legitimate email messages disappeared on the way to the recipients due to various spam filters. Studies that we conducted ourselves in Sweden show that the corresponding figure here is about 15 %.

4 minutes
Posted 27th May 2010 by APSIS

What makes you click?

These are a few of the most commonly asked questions people ask us at Apsis. Here are our suggestions on what you can do to increase the click-through rate in your messages

4 minutes