Posted 01st December 2016 by Anonymous (not verified)

12 Surprisingly Easy Hacks For Your Christmas Emails

If you’re still planning this year’s holly-jolly Christmas newsletters, and you’re anxious to get everything just right, fear not! We’ve got you covered. Here are 12 simple yet powerful hacks to make sure your email is the prettiest snowflake in everyone’s inbox!
4 minutes
Posted 21st October 2016 by Dag Thorén

3 Digital Marketing Trends for 2017

Digital media has made it easier than ever before to publish content - but it also puts the consumer in greater power.
4 minutes
Posted 05th October 2016 by APSIS

Why You Need to “Get Scrappy” with Your Digital Marketing

Ever heard about "scrappy marketing"? We asked returning #EME2016 speaker Nick Westergaard to introduce it in his own words - find out why brains matter more than budget, how cloud-computing and Valentine's Day can be a good match and much more!
4 minutes
Posted 23rd September 2016 by Anonymous (not verified)

What's Email Retargeting & Why Should You Care?

Email enthusiasts been throwing around this phrase for years - but do we actually know what it is? If not, it’s time to find out - apparently 2017 is the year it’s supposed to gain a new significance.
4 minutes
Posted 08th September 2016 by APSIS

What Happens in the Marketing Funnel?

Lead generation doesn't just involve your sales teams - marketing departments have just as much impact on the process! Check out our infographic to see exactly how much...
1 minute
Posted 02nd August 2016 by APSIS

Omnichannel personalisation = climbing Mount Everest?

Every marketer worth their salt understands the potential of true, one-to-one personalisation. Personalisation that brings together every known fact and behavioural element from every channel and consumer touch point across the organisation – to drive the ultimate brand experience for each customer.
The daunting task
Understanding the potential and realising it are, however, two very different things.
6 minutes
Posted 01st August 2016 by APSIS

7 Ideas To Get Started With Web Personalisation

Personalisation is a given in today’s marketing: consumers demand it, technology enables it - yet the majority of brands aren’t doing it as well as they should be. We have 7 tips for you who wants to stand out from that crowd!
4 minutes
Posted 08th July 2016 by APSIS

5 Great Tricks to Reduce Bounce Rate

We really want your deliverability to be great. Which is why we've collected these 5 great tricks for reducing your email bounce rates and keeping your subscribers AND your email list happy!
3 minutes
Posted 04th July 2016 by APSIS

The importance of real-time segmentation – 3 questions to ask yourself

A search on Google gives me 17,700,000 results for “real time segmentation”. So what does real time segmentation mean?
In the world of Web Analytics, where I used to work, it usually means the ability to segment your customers, in real time, for the purpose of better understanding their behaviour.
Google Analytics was one of the first web analytics tools to allow analysts to segment visitors in real time, i.e. with as little as 10-30 seconds delay.
3 minutes