Posted 16th August 2021 by APSIS

Reactivate, re-engage, and win-back with our email examples

There’s nothing more annoying than having to execute a win-back campaign because it means something is going wrong. Right? Well, not all the time. In fact, it can be a priceless opportunity to learn more about your members, about your business and about the industry. Marketing automation techniques make customer engagement easier than ever, even if it may seem a little daunting at first. But don’t worry, we’re here to help you return those lost sheep to the flock - because it’s far better for businesses to maximise revenue from existing members than try to recruit new ones.
5 minutes
Posted 16th August 2021 by APSIS

Improve customer loyalty with rockstar engagement strategies

Customer loyalty is a buzzword that you’ll hear a lot in ecommerce, but what does it really mean? There are hundreds of businesses out there falling over each other to try and rope purchasers back to store, but are they going about it the right way? Sure you can try old-world techniques like loyalty cards, but to be truly successful you have to get with the times and that means embracing marketing automation. So to find out about marketing automation flows that improve customer engagement and boost your bottom line, head to this blog post!
5 minutes
Posted 09th August 2021 by APSIS

What is SMS Marketing?

Does it make you curious and delighted? Or, does it annoy you? It probably depends on who the sender is, right?

So, If you are a business or a marketer and want to capitalise on the power of SMS marketing without annoying your customers, this article will give you tips, tricks and insights into SMS marketing to get you going the right way.


Let's dig in to the following topics:

19 minutes
Posted 06th July 2021 by Euphilena Goh

What is Marketing Automation? And, how does it work?

For a marketer, every lead is vital. Since no two persons are alike, why should you take them on the same journey? In this connected era, marketers are expected to go above and beyond to make their target customers engaged and delighted throughout their journey, irrespective of the path or their position in the sales funnel. 

19 minutes
Posted 09th June 2021 by APSIS

How to write the perfect reminder email

Reminder emails can be tricky things to get right, but they’re super important because they can really make a difference to your members and your business. They’re awesome for things like events, but you also need to make sure that you manage to write the perfect subject line to keep your members engaged and that all-important open rate high. However, it does take a little bit of technology and some fairy dust to get them right. Click on this blog to read how to write the perfect reminder email, and see some other hints and tips to make sure it really hits the nail on the head.
6 minutes
Posted 09th June 2021 by APSIS

Personalisation: Why it’s so important

Personalised email marketing is a really important tool in the fight to earn more revenue and to realise business growth, but you have to have the right systems in place to do so. That may seem like a battle, but it’s really not. This is why it’s so important to invest in the right marketing automation system that uses data in an intelligent way to create recommendations and personalisations that blow away existing customers and recruit new ones at the drop of a hat. Click here to read the blog and have your mind changed for the better!
6 minutes
Posted 09th June 2021 by APSIS

Increase your reach: How to improve your email deliverability with double opt-in

There’s nothing more frustrating than working hard on a great email campaign but watching the open rate plummet due to poor deliverability. This can happen for a number of reasons, and it’s really important to understand why so that it doesn’t happen again. Really basic things like using a double opt-in, proper data collection and the use of a smart marketing automation platform make a huge difference to results - and at the end of the day, this is a results business. So click here to learn how to use data, profiles, segments and all the related wizardry of email marketing to create campaigns that increase reach and improve sender reputation while reducing instances of your emails being marked as spam.
7 minutes
Posted 09th June 2021 by APSIS

Are you making the most of your product recommendations?

If there’s one thing that can take you from zero to hero, it’s making the most of product recommendations and browse abandonment emails. Businesses lose handfuls of cash each year because they don’t make the most of this handy tool and they can’t claw back money ghosted away because of cart abandonment. But knowing how to make the most of this can be tricky. For a start, you need the right marketing automation platform and then you need the right tools to make it all work. So click here to read all about marketing automation flows, how to collect the right data and how to maximise product recommendations so you can boost revenue!
7 minutes
Posted 11th May 2021 by APSIS

What content marketing will look like in five years

The content marketing landscape shifted immeasurably during the last 12 months and ushered in a new age for digital marketers. Whole populations moved their commercial activity online, and business has had to respond to that or face the prospect of falling behind their rivals. That shift has created a need to collect data faster and more efficiently than in the past, but that’s also been coupled with a need to respect privacy while transitioning to a more mobile-focused business model. What will all this mean for B2B content marketing in the next five years? Check out this blog post to arm yourself with information.
5 minutes
Posted 11th May 2021 by APSIS

Successful ingredients for welcome newsletters

Everyone does email marketing, but do they do it well? Having a clear and coherent strategy, aligned with powerful marketing automation tools, can really make the difference when it comes to earning new customers and keeping old ones engaged. Simple things like the welcome newsletter can make a massive difference, but this is something that can drift along if there isn’t enough though, care and attention placed on them. It takes a few successful ingredients to make them work properly, so read this blog post to read our top tips and use them to supercharge your welcome flows!
6 minutes