Posted 23rd May 2022 by APSIS

Breaking Down GDPR in the New Digital Age

The GDPR has ushered in a sea change in the digital marketing industry. It’s a sweeping regulation with far-reaching implications for digital marketing within the EU. In this blog, our experts roll out the most likely implications for your marketing in this new digital age and how best to navigate this new normal
7 minutes
Posted 19th April 2022 by APSIS

How to convert customers into repeat buyers

Repeat buyers lower your marketing and ad spend. Little wonder they are the backbone of many a retail business, accounting for as high as 50% of sales revenue. Here, we walk you through a few steps for increasing customer retention rates, and unlocking the goldmine of customer loyalty.
5 minutes
Posted 19th April 2022 by APSIS

A/B Test Your Way to More Subscribers

Email marketing‘s capacity to deliver results is well documented. But where do you look to optimise your open, click-through, and conversion rates? An A/B testing strategy is a no-BS starting point. Here, we discuss what to test for, plus a few actionable tips to help you run more instructive A/B tests.
6 minutes
Posted 19th April 2022 by APSIS

Let's Take a Bite Out of Apple's New Privacy Update

And so the cookie crumbles...Apple’s newest privacy update introduces a prohibitive policy on user tracking, limiting your ability to collect data. But there’s a way out! Find out how you can adapt your email marketing strategy for survival in this brave new world of user privacy.
7 minutes
Posted 21st March 2022 by APSIS

Trying to Grow Your Target Audience? Here’s How.

Subscription-based businesses and nonprofits alike rely on loyal membership to thrive. And with customers going digital, online audiences are the new gold standard of marketing. Learn how, through user profiles, you can design personalised marketing campaigns to grow your audience organically.
6 minutes
Posted 10th March 2022 by APSIS

The Importance of Customer Insights for Retail Businesses

Looking to forge blossoming relationships with customers that cause an uptick on your bottom line? Customer insights—a branch of market research—is your first stop. Learn how the collection, analysis, and application of insights can improve your decision-making and gainfully impact your business. 
5 minutes
Posted 08th March 2022 by APSIS

5 Pioneering Women Leaders in SaaS to Watch

In this post, we showcase reputable women leaders breaking glass ceilings in a male-saturated tech space, much to our admiration. Discover how, through their impactful journeys in SaaS, they’re sparking a transformation of diversity efforts from mere ethical buzzwords to real paradigm shifts.
6 minutes
Posted 23rd February 2022 by APSIS

Eye-Popping Customer Incentive Ideas for Subscription-Based Businesses

A well-oiled customer retention process ebbs away customer acquisition costs and increases loyalty. Little wonder customer loyalty programs have been the mainstay of businesses retention strategies for years. Here, we pop a few more tricks up your sleeve to incentivise customers and make them yours to churn.
8 minutes
Posted 22nd February 2022 by APSIS

Cracking the Code On How to Increase Conversions in the Experience Industry

The poor conversion rate in the experience industry is easily traced to a lack of well-thought-out and applied strategy. This piece drills down on the business architecture behind conversion and reels out actionable answers to the burning question of ‘How to increase conversion rates.’
8 minutes
Posted 18th February 2022 by APSIS

Webhooks, Explained: Why Businesses are using it (and why you should too)

Running a membership business means touching base with events, actions, & triggers that, if handled manually, could mean having to stretch oneself too thin. Learn how webhooks ebb away much of the workload by automatically triggering alerts to events and reacting to these events, in real-time.
7 minutes