Posted 07th April 2017 by APSIS

3 Email Design Challenges - Solved!

What’s the best moment of the day for an email designer? We think it’s when they come up with a solution which isn’t only beautiful, but solves a challenge.
2 minutes
Posted 23rd March 2017 by Dag Thorén

Pinkwebdev codes for equality

There's a desparate need for developers in Sweden. Leading industry organisation IT & Telekomföretagen fears that there will be a need to recruit 60,000 developers in 2020.

Despite this huge need for talent, there are many who don't feel welcome in an industry where 80% of the workforce is male.

5 minutes
Posted 16th March 2017 by Velina Parapanova

How to Make Your Email Design Pop in 2017

If you want to design your emails for success, it’s a matter of trial-and-error: but if you hit it right, your success will be reflected in the numbers! So how can you bring your emails up to pace for 2017?
4 minutes
Posted 03rd March 2017 by Wilhelm Sahlberg

3 Larger-Than-Life Marketing Automation Examples

To some ears, marketing automation may still sound a bit fresh and advanced. When in reality, it's quite simple: the purpose of marketing automation is to make the marketing and sales process more effective with automation. The question is: how?
6 minutes
Posted 01st March 2017 by APSIS

The Power of Profiles: An Introduction (Part 1)

Creating a customer profile means taking the first leap towards success in the digital age. However, to reap the benefits, you need to get them just right. Don't worry: we'll guide you through it.
7 minutes
Posted 13th January 2017 by Anonymous (not verified)

Make Your Valentine’s Email Campaign Stand Out

Valentine’s Day emails don’t have to be glittery and baby pink to get your point across! We’ve collected 5 easy tips for everyone who wants to impress their subscribers this year. Discover them for yourself!
4 minutes
Posted 12th January 2017 by Anonymous (not verified)

Email Retargeting: How To Get It Right?

Even though email retargeting has been around for some time, many small and medium-sized businesses still have difficulties when it comes to execution. Which is why we’ve handpicked some suggestions to set YOU on the road to success!
5 minutes
Posted 10th January 2017 by APSIS

Stop The Scare Tactics! How You Can Benefit From The GDPR

Ever since the GDPR entered into effect, several people have started debating (and promoting) the negative effects of the regulation. We, on the other hand, want to step away from such scare tactics - and show you how the GDPR can actually benefit your business!
5 minutes