Posted 11th October 2021 by APSIS

The Journey of an Email

Do you know how many stops your email sending has on the road to your reader's inbox? Check out our infographic to learn more!
1 minute
Posted 24th September 2021 by Euphilena Goh

What is Electronic Direct Mail Marketing (EDM Marketing)?

EDM Marketing is still a fuzzy word in the digital world. You are most likely to have heard the term during your conversations with fellow marketers and are curious to find what it is all about. 

Using Email direct marketing will take your marketing strategy to the next level. Whether you are just starting off or just heard of what EDM marketing is, we will take an in-depth look into EDM Marketing, its benefits over email marketing and its use cases.

14 minutes
Posted 17th September 2021 by APSIS

Marketing hacks that'll unlock your campaigns

Marketing is more than just sending out blanket coverage of the same event or blog post to your whole audience and hoping something sticks. Following that pattern is going to lead to a path of frustrating, low return on investment and stagnating subscription numbers. But luckily APSIS One is here to help. From marketing automation to the latest marketing trends, we’ve put together some ways that you can take campaigns to the next level as you aim to finish the year on a high. So click here to read about this year’s best marketing hacks and be prepared to take your subscription business to the next level!
8 minutes
Posted 17th September 2021 by APSIS

Prospecting emails: How to create a successful campaign

Cold calls and cold emails can be a really daunting prospect for a lot of businesses. The thought of sending out hundreds of little bits of communication without response can be haunting, however there is a way to success. For example, you can bulk send emails via a marketing automation - which can be a fine way to kickstart a successful prospecting email. Once you get those emails out there, you’ll need to sift through and analyse the data to learn how to do better in the next round, and then create actions from those insights. As you can see, prospecting emails has more than one strand that you need to get right - good job you’ve come to the right place!
6 minutes
Posted 17th September 2021 by APSIS

Calling all email Marketers: Here’s how RSS campaigns can help you

Creating crafty content is all well and good, but people still need to find it. Lives are busy and non-priority items can be forgotten, so you need to take your content directly to the people. RSS campaigns can help you send your best stuff straight into the inboxes of those who’ve signed up to read it. When you add a little splash of marketing automation to the mix and some dynamic content marketing, you’ll be able to hit different profiles at different times, without doing any of the hard work yourself. To find out the secrets within, read this blog post to see why you must think about running RSS campaigns!
5 minutes
Posted 17th September 2021 by APSIS

How to grow your list and increase deliverability!

Email marketing has become more and more important and is now the cornerstone of any membership business. It can be easy to neglect an email list and take your audience for granted - but that’s when things go wrong. Membership organisations can fall into spam traps, see deliverability fall flat and notice a drop-off in open rates and subscriber numbers. That’s why it’s vital that you continue to grow your list and get more email signups, but the way forward isn’t always obvious. Here’s how you can grow your list and increase deliverability so you keep all those lovely subscribers nice and happy.
6 minutes
Posted 17th September 2021 by APSIS

How abandoned cart emails can turbocharge your Black Friday

America’s biggest import may become Black Friday/Black Week. Stores prepare themselves mentally and physically months in advance, because there’s some serious money to be made. Discounts are all well and good, but you need some intelligent software running in the background to properly make the most of it all. Because competition is so fierce, there’s going to be some abandoned carts. When this happens, you could either wallow in pity to do something to win back these customers - this is where abandoned cart email comes into play. This marketing automation will help you claw back revenue that could go to your competitors and really help you make the most of one of the year’s biggest holidays.
6 minutes
Posted 16th August 2021 by APSIS

How to perfect your lead management

Having a proper strategy for lead management is becoming more and more important. You can be as good a negotiator or closer as you want, but without strong lead management you’re still going to be left chasing ghosts. This is one of the most important parts in the sale process, and when done right will help you to find, qualify and nurture leads far more successfully. Personalisation is important in this process, and that’s why marketing automation can be so crucial here. So this is why you should take your CRM and integrate it with a smart platform to turbocharge your sales effort and boost conversions.
5 minutes
Posted 16th August 2021 by APSIS

Six creative content writing hacks you should know about

It can be tricky to keep producing content hit after content hit, especially if you’re tasked with making creative emails with inspiring call-to-actions. It’s now a really important part of any digital marketing campaign, and that means you might need some content marketing hacks to help you along the way. Wanna know something about that? It’s fine! We all need something we can fall-back on from time to time, because the pressure can build up. Marketing automation and segmentation can play a really important part in this journey, so dive in to learn about some compelling content writing hacks you can’t afford to ignore!
7 minutes
Posted 16th August 2021 by APSIS

How to re-engage inactive subscribers

There’s nothing more upsetting than having lots of inactive subscribers. Nobody wants to create killer content, only to have nobody read it - plus, they can be bad for deliverability! Traditional thinking would be to cull these people from your mailing list, but there is another way! Your travel, leisure and events company could be missing out on valuable revenue streams from folks who can still be brought back into the fold. Doing so can be tricky, we understand that, but we’re here to help. Read this blog post to find out what you should be doing about your inactive subscribers and why!
6 minutes