Posted 15th April 2021 by APSIS

How to start Marketing Automation for E-Commerce

Concepts like abandoned cart recovery, welcome-flows and customer journeys might seem like big-sky thinking, but when you break them down into their small parts you can really begin to see how they can add value to a business - but only if they’re set up correctly using the right marketing automation platform. How does that all sound? Pretty good, right. Marketing automation can seem or sound like a big scary idea, but it’s something that you can just plug in and forget about while it whirls around in the background, delivering value and putting smiles on faces. But what’s the next step? Read this blog to give yourself a clearer understanding of what we’re talking about!
6 minutes
Posted 23rd February 2021 by APSIS

What your business can gain from using a marketing software

The benefits of marketing software are numerous and potentially lucrative, but some businesses still don’t see what all the fuss is about. Here’s what you can gain by using marketing software - read it, and let us help you change your mind.
6 minutes
Posted 15th May 2019 by Amanda Gossell

3 Examples of How Automation Can Relieve Your Digital Pain points

Cart abandonment, lack of nurturing and dull data: the digital marketing painpoints can be plentiful. So, how can marketing automation help you solve your problems? Let’s paint a picture with three fictive cases.
7 minutes
Posted 15th March 2018 by APSIS

6 Tips to Ace Your Product Recommendations

Want to seize more sales? We’ll walk you through 6 tips on how personalised product recommendations can skyrocket your conversions and revenues.
4 minutes