Posted 23rd September 2022 by APSIS

5 Marketing Hacks to Generate Leads 

Lead generation is the precursor to everything else on the journey to customer acquisition. But with customer evolution, old tactics like cold-calling and lead purchasing are now largely ineffective or downright expensive. Got leads? Here are five marketing hacks you can implement to boost lead gen.  
7 minutes
Posted 19th August 2022 by APSIS

Email List Consent Is Sexy!

When compared to all the heavy lifting advertisers had to do to reach audiences some two decades ago, modern email marketing feels like the lottery.

Pretty much all you have to do is compose an email and then hit the ‘send’ button. The reach is unlimited; conversion rates are decent, and — wait for it — it costs next to nothing.

10 minutes
Posted 19th August 2022 by APSIS

A Practical Guide to Local Marketing


With B2B eCommerce currently in a boom — projected to grow by 18.7% by 2026 — a significant proportion of this emerging sector is from local audiences. And while transactions in local markets tend to occur in-store, businesses still need online marketing to reach these audiences.

8 minutes
Posted 09th August 2022 by APSIS

Technical Skills for Success in E-commerce Retail

Unlike the popular notion that retail jobs are largely unskilled, a successful career in the retail industry requires a specific skill set. Discover which skills are in demand in the retail industry and find out how you can constantly sharpen your retail chops to stay top of your game in your role.
6 minutes
Posted 09th August 2022 by APSIS

Navigating Personalised Advertising Without Violating Privacy Boundaries

Personalised ads have unlocked a new frontier of differentiation in marketing, but with recent data processing practices that leave much to be desired, customers are sceptical about how their data is being used. Amidst privacy considerations, how do you walk the fine line? Read on to find out.
7 minutes
Posted 28th June 2022 by APSIS

How to Improve Your Product Recommendation System

The product recommendation system predicts customer preferences based on gathered data to help businesses achieve higher engagement numbers and offer users relevant items. Read on to find out how you can improve recommendation systems to yield increase in customer experience and revenue.
7 minutes
Posted 28th June 2022 by APSIS

The Bare Minimum Social Media Plan You Need for Success

A sure channel to expand business reach and at lesser spend, social media plan should be at the forefront of any marketing campaign. But successful social media marketing campaigns are hardly guesswork. Got a social media plan? Here’s a solid starting point to help you get your bases covered! 
7 minutes
Posted 28th June 2022 by APSIS

5 Ways to Turn Around Your Online Sales Decline

Every so often, it’s typical for retail businesses to experience a temporary slump in online sales. But you don't have to sit back and watch your online revenue dwindle. In this post, we reel out five time-tested techniques that you can deploy to arrest the decline and boost online sales.
8 minutes
Posted 23rd May 2022 by APSIS

The Power of Personalised Communication

How can you ensure that customers resonate with your content? Customer engagement flows best from a personalised communication strategy that leverages customers' individuality or interests. Avoid customer churn using these tactics, harnessing the power of personalised customer communication.
7 minutes
Posted 23rd May 2022 by APSIS

All You Need to Know about Omnichannel Retailing

Omnichannel retailing. It’s now a must-have of modern retail. That is, if you’re serious about ensuring customers get a consistent and seamless experience regardless of how they interact with your business. Here’s all you should know to get the most out of it.
7 minutes