Posted 23rd March 2020 by Olga Dufvenberg

Why Engagement is Key: From First Interaction to Second Purchase

To overcome the challenges that come with the growth of online retail, you need to focus on engaging your target audience. But how can you ride the tide of engagement? And why is personalisation a force to be reckoned with? We’ll bring you the answers in this blog post!
5 minutes
Posted 18th March 2020 by Olga Dufvenberg

6 Reasons Why Customers Might Not Buy From You

Today’s consumers base their purchase decisions on how they experience your brand, rather than on how much money they need to spend. To help you engage your picky customers – we’ve gathered 6 reasons why they don’t shop from you, and how you can turn it around!
6 minutes
Posted 09th March 2020 by Amanda Gossell

5 Big Benefits With System Integrations

What’s the value of collecting all your marketing efforts in one place? And why is it the present, and the future, to integrate your different platforms so that they can work in unison? Here, we’ll walk you through the great benefits of system integrations.
6 minutes
Posted 03rd March 2020 by APSIS

Zero-Party Data: What Is It, and Why Does Your Business Need It?

Modern marketing strategies are built on data. But we're entering a new era where legislation, and consumer preferences, are much more protective of personal data. So, how can you balance a data-driven strategy with the responsibilities you hold toward your customers? Guestblogger Corinna Keefe from Easypromos walks you through how!
6 minutes
Posted 24th February 2020 by Sarah Chase

5 Personalisation Mistakes – And Their Solutions

We personalise to add personal value to the customer experience. But even good things can turn bad... So, let’s explore 5 personalisation mistakes – and how you can avoid them.
7 minutes
Posted 24th February 2020 by Dag Thorén

10 reasons to switch from APSIS Pro to APSIS One

As a user of APSIS Pro, you're in good company. Our leading email marketing platform has thousands of active monthly users across the globe. But the world of email marketing has evolved. And so have we.

When we created APSIS One, we envisioned something new. We envisioned a future where marketers can work faster and be more personal than ever before. A future where using data to become more personal is easy. 

This future has become a reality. And we want you to continue being a part of our journey. 

3 minutes