Posted 30th October 2019 by Guestblogger

5 Reasons Why Personalised Content Drives More Sales

There’s no denying that personalisation has become popular in online marketing circles. But how can you personalise to maximise sales? Guest blogger Bridgette Hernandez explains the why and the how!
5 minutes
Posted 22nd October 2019 by Sarah Chase

8 Reasons Why You Need SMS in Your Black Friday Campaigns

Black Week, Christmas and a fiscal report are on the horizon. But how can you cut through the noise and capture your bargain-hunting customers’ attention? We’ll explore why SMS might just be the ticket.
5 minutes
Posted 21st October 2019 by Olga Dufvenberg

The Swedes and the Internet: 5 Prominent Trends for 2019

The report The Swedes and the Internet 2019 has just been released and there were 5 trends that really caught our interest! Read more about them – and what they can mean for you as a marketer – here!
4 minutes
Posted 30th September 2019 by Amanda Gossell

Investigation of Personalisation – 6 Steps to Understand the Process

Do you often hear people talk about the importance of personalisation within digital marketing? Well, that’s not very strange. In fact, personalised marketing is rapidly becoming one of the most powerful methods in the digital world. Therefore, we’re doing an investigation of personalisation.
7 minutes
Posted 24th September 2019 by Olga Dufvenberg

Data-Driven Marketing: The Essential Steps to Get Personal

To keep up with today’s marketing game data-driven solutions are a must. Therefore, we’re sharing the essential steps you need to take on your journey towards creating a personalised customer experience.
5 minutes
Posted 17th September 2019 by Olga Dufvenberg

How Automated Flows Can Maximise Your Revenue

How can you, working in the B2C industry, actually deliver the right message, to the right person, at the right time? Let’s look at three automated flows to get you started on your quest towards maximum revenue. 
4 minutes
Posted 10th September 2019 by Amanda Gossell

How to Maximise Your Impact with Customer Profiles

How can you maximise your influence and relevance in today’s marketing? The answer is: by using Customer Profiles! Here you’ll find 7 essential steps that you need to take to be able to heat up your marketing game.
5 minutes
Posted 03rd September 2019 by Olga Dufvenberg

3 B2B Automation Flows That Create Great Business Value

Marketing automation for a B2B business can streamline your sales process, as well as minimise your manual and time-consuming marketing activities. To get started – in a simple, yet efficient way – we’ve gathered 3 easy automated flows.
4 minutes
Posted 15th August 2019 by Sarah Chase

Why Customer Profiles Pave the Way for Email Success

There's no denying that data is becoming pivotal within email marketing. But how important are customer profiles in the scheme of it all? Get the answer in this 10-minute read!
4 minutes