Posted 11th May 2021 by APSIS

How to handle consent for marketing in a membership organisation

Consent, especially in the age of GDPR, is so important. Permission marketing is a fairly new tactic that makes the most of asking people if they want you to get in touch with them to deliver content they want to see. If this sounds like a lot of hard work, this should put your mind at ease: it isn’t. Smart systems, like the one APSIS One use, do a lot of the heavy lifting for you. So if you want to dive into the world of consent lists, topics, double opt-ins and marketing consent, all you need to do is click on the blog to find out more.
5 minutes
Posted 11th May 2021 by APSIS

Consumer lifecycle marketing - how to get it right

Consumer lifecycle marketing, what’s that all about? It’s the way smart businesses provide personalised and relevant communications to customers, and potential customers, at each stage of their purchase journey. It can help improve customer experience and remove pesky pain points like a lack of customer loyalty, inefficiencies in your marketing campaign and impersonal customer communications. Marketing automation tools like APSIS One’s 360 view can provide a neat overview of how customers are behaving across marketing channels, while users can create intelligent segments to help target their messaging at the most relevant people. Want to learn more? Read our blog and then download our free planning template for marketing and retail!
5 minutes
Posted 15th April 2021 by APSIS

How to start Marketing Automation for E-Commerce

Concepts like abandoned cart recovery, welcome-flows and customer journeys might seem like big-sky thinking, but when you break them down into their small parts you can really begin to see how they can add value to a business - but only if they’re set up correctly using the right marketing automation platform. How does that all sound? Pretty good, right. Marketing automation can seem or sound like a big scary idea, but it’s something that you can just plug in and forget about while it whirls around in the background, delivering value and putting smiles on faces. But what’s the next step? Read this blog to give yourself a clearer understanding of what we’re talking about!
6 minutes
Posted 14th April 2021 by APSIS

Personalise your customer experience - make your members feel special

Make your members feel special, happy and content with your offering by using personalisation to supplement your traditional business practice. These techniques don’t have to cost the world, and they don’t need to take up too much of your time - because someone has to make sure the money keeps on coming in, right? A personalised customer experience can make your members feel special, improve how they perceive your product and might even induce them to spend more money in the future. These concepts can be a bit blue-sky thinking, but they’re super realistic! Step inside the APSIS world to find out how now!
6 minutes
Posted 14th April 2021 by APSIS

5 tips for outstanding B2B newsletters

Build relationships with existing customers, show prospective customers why they should give you their money and improve engagement with your brand: there are heaps of reasons why B2B companies should take their newsletter seriously. Putting time and effort into creating the perfect B2B marketing newsletter might seem like a daunting task, but the right newsletter tool can unlock the whole process! That’s why you should click here, read our five outstanding tips to help you create the perfect B2B newsletter and pick up a free trial along the way!
5 minutes
Posted 23rd March 2021 by APSIS

5 ways to maximise the value of a great customer experience

Providing a great customer experience is an essential part of business, but you can do more than that. You can maximise on the value of having a team full of happy campers - and this is how. Click on the link to read about five ways to maximise the value of a great customer experience!
5 minutes