Posted 23rd February 2021 by APSIS

What your business can gain from using a marketing software

The benefits of marketing software are numerous and potentially lucrative, but some businesses still don’t see what all the fuss is about. Here’s what you can gain by using marketing software - read it, and let us help you change your mind.
6 minutes
Posted 23rd February 2021 by Liridona Lubishtani

5 benefits of email automation

Marketers are busier than ever, but there’s a way to work smarter not harder and it’s called marketing automation emails. Find out five benefits of email automation here!
6 minutes
Posted 22nd January 2021 by APSIS

How To Use Abandoned Shopping Cart Email To Win Back Shoppers

2020 has been a tough year for retail, but that doesn’t mean you should stop looking for an edge over your competition. Here are some successful data-driven strategies that you can use to win back your shoppers!
6 minutes
Posted 14th December 2020 by APSIS

Automation, Data and 4 Expert predictions for 2021

We are living in a time where changes are made continuously. And working in a digital company requires us to be on top of the game. That’s why we asked 4 of our experts, in different areas, to predict what changes to expect for the coming year. Let's have a look.
6 minutes
Posted 01st December 2020 by Dag Thorén

10 Million Ways to Spice Up Your Newsletter

The visual appearance has become a critical success factor in email marketing. Gone are the days when marketers could rely on the copy to get their voice heard. Email is now a visual medium, and the impact of your email campaigns depends on your ability to express your brand’s visual identity. 
2 minutes