Posted 01st August 2018 by Sarah Chase

3 B2C Flows to Promote a Great Customer Experience

How can you use marketing automation to build and nurture a thriving customer-brand relationship throughout the customer lifecycle? We'll illustrate with three examples!
4 minutes
Posted 06th July 2018 by APSIS

4 Ways To Avoid Form Spam

Technology has come a long way since the first CAPTCHAs were introduced. So what should marketers add to their freshly-built webforms today?
5 minutes
Posted 07th June 2018 by Sarah Chase

GDPR Hangover? 5 Treatments to Get You Back on Track

Even though the long-term effects are positive, you might be suffering from short-term ailments that include loss of data and subscribers. Get our 5 treatments on how to gain, regain and retain customers in the brave new world of GDPR.
4 minutes