Posted 11th April 2019 by APSIS

The 360-Degree Customer View: Customer Profiles and Marketing Automation

Profiles pinpoint your customers’ pain points, and merges demographic and psychographic data into ideal and actual customer personas. However, if you marry customer profiles with marketing automation, your personalisation and lead generation can be taken into new heights. How? Let’s see!
5 minutes
Posted 20th March 2019 by Sahar Torabi

The e-Privacy Regulation: The Yin to GDPR’s Yang

Even though you might feel like the dust has barely settled after the GDPR-storm, the new e-Privacy Regulation will force you to take another hard look at your data processing prodedures. Our legal expert, Sahar Torabi, will give you the tools you need to hack it.
8 minutes
Posted 21st February 2019 by Sarah Chase

Why Ease is Key in Creating a Winning Customer Experience

Today’s fast-paced society is coloured by a quest for instant ease and gratification. So, how can you pinpoint the ultimate pain point in digital marketing? Let's explore with 6 examples!
6 minutes
Posted 28th January 2019 by APSIS

The CMO of 2020 – and Beyond

The CMO of 2020 is a business-focused growth hacker. What does this mean in practice? We’ve listed the three most significant aspects that is the foundation for a successful marketing leader in 2020 and beyond.
3 minutes
Posted 11th January 2019 by Sarah Chase

5 Critical Data-Driven Challenges for 2019

Are you a cautious marketer who wants to minimise hiccups before you set out on yout data-driven journey? In that case, this blog post is made for you.
6 minutes
Posted 11th December 2018 by APSIS

7 Surprisingly Easy Hacks For Your Christmas Emails

Are you still planning this year’s holly-jolly Christmas newsletters, but you’re anxious to get everything just right? We’ve got you covered with seven simple – yet powerful – hacks to turn your emails into Christmas showstoppers.
3 minutes
Posted 26th November 2018 by APSIS

7 Digital Marketing Trends for 2019

2018 is coming to an end, and we’re about to turn the page towards a new year with new goals, possibilities and expectations. But what might 2019 bring for marketing automation, data-driven marketing and the legal climate? Our experts deliver the possible answers!
8 minutes