Posted 21st December 2017 by Sanna Ramfors

5 Essential Customer Insights for Mobile Commerce Success

As smartphones gain traction in the world of e-commerce, mobile-friendliness has transformed from an option to a must. But how can you hit bullseye in the eyes of your customers? Our e-commerce expert Sanna Ramfors lets you in on the secret!
4 minutes
Posted 23rd November 2017 by APSIS

Q&A: How to prepare for GDPR with APSIS

As of May 25th 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has become applicable with the purpose to regulate the processing of personal data of the EU member states and its citizens. For the purpose of comfort and transparency, we have created this FAQ relating to the GDPR and your use of our services.
3 minutes
Posted 22nd November 2017 by APSIS

4 Marketing Automation Myths – Debunked!

When an innovative trend gains traction, misconceptions tend to arise... Does marketing automation make marketers lazy? And does it make customer-brand communication robotic? I'll sort out the myths!
4 minutes
Posted 08th November 2017 by APSIS

Why You Should Focus on Turning Customers into Subscribers

Email generates leads, facilitates relationships and strengthens a brand’s position in the customer’s mind. But do you know why it’s crucial to your success that you convert customers into subscribers? We’ll let you know why!
4 minutes
Posted 01st November 2017 by APSIS

7 Tips to Boost Your Content with Marketing Automation

Content is king. However, in order to grace your content strategy with a crown, you need to ensure that it achieves optimal relevance – and maximised ROI. We'll guide you through seven tested tips on how marketing automation boosts your content marketing!
4 minutes