Posted 05th July 2017 by APSIS

Marketing Automation: 5 Next-Level Strategies

Wilhelm Sahlberg guides you through a few examples of marketing automation strategies that’ll help you in the way to set your plan in motion towards automated success!
5 minutes
Posted 10th June 2017 by APSIS

About deliverability for email marketing

The one part of email marketing that gets the least, undeserved neglect, would probably be the one of Deliverability. No-one really wants to talk about it, and it should really just happen.

“That’s the reason why we bought your services”  you say.. To not have to bother with this.

6 minutes
Posted 10th April 2017 by APSIS

Why Marketing Automation Matters - Today And In the Future

Imagine a world where marketing is completely automated. Sounds like a utopian reality? Not quite. Marketing automation is a solution that helps you do more, in less time and with better results. Curious?
5 minutes
Posted 07th April 2017 by APSIS

Interactive Emails?

When it comes to interactive email design, everyone has a different opinion: email marketing analysts have been predicting (and worshipping) them for years, but email designers have been slightly more wary. Why?
4 minutes